カナダ留学でビジネスのステップアップ! グローバルビジネスマネジメント Global Business Management


Global Business Management
グローバル ビジネス マネジメント


  1. はじめに
  2. プログラムについて
  3. プログラムの詳細
  4. コースの内容


今回は、ILAC-HighEdu (ILAC Higher Education)の
Global Business Management(グローバル ビジネス マネジメント)プログラム

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Georgian@ILAC (PPP)

Global Business Management(グローバル ビジネス マネジメント / 2年間)



「ILAC Higher Education って何?」

「カナダ留学なら就労経験、永住権が狙えるILACHE PPPがオススメ!」


Georgian@ILAC (PPP)のGlobal Business Managementは、
Ontario College Graduate Certificateを取得できるプログラムです。




卒業生は自動的に FITT Diploma を取得することができます!!
また、Certified International Trade Professionals (CITP) への申請資格が得られます。



Post-Graduation Work Permitの事で特定のプログラムを卒業後に申請できる就労ビザ




期間:  2年
開講時期:  9月、1月、5月
ロケーション: トロント


授業料(2年): $38,018.86 (約400万円)





IELTS 6.5(各バンドスコアで 6.0 以上)
もしくはILAC の PW3.2 修了



画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: お問い合わせLINE-1024x217.png




Semester 1

Semester 1
GBMT 1000 – Communications for Global Business Managers
In a global environment, the ability to communicate effectively can be a challenge. This course is designed to give students the opportunity to improve key elements of grammar, vocabulary, editing, and reading comprehension skills that are essential for communicating across cultural boundaries. Spoken and visual communication skills are also essential for global business managers. Students create written assignments and presentations suitable for a variety of business situations.

GBMT 1001 – Management Accounting and Finance
This is an introductory course in management accounting concepts and fundamental financial management activities. After acquiring a working knowledge of financial statements, students better understand the impact of management decisions on financial results. Accounting topics include planning, forecasting, cost and revenue management, and performance measurement.

GBMT 1002 – Managerial Economics
Economics provides a foundation for what is taught in other business courses, such as finance, marketing, and business strategy. In this course, students develop unique approaches for assessing challenges and opportunities that managers encounter in the global marketplace. Students gain knowledge about topics including supply and demand, costs of production, market structures, pricing and output decisions, and concepts governing international economics, such as currency exchanges, international trade and capital flows, fiscal and monetary policies, and economic development.

GBMT 1003 – Business Statistics and Research Methods
This is an introductory course in marketing research, statistical analysis, and business decision-making. Students collect information from primary and secondary sources, perform data analysis, interpret results, and communicate findings. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are also covered.

GBMT 1004 – Global Market Entry Strategies
In this course, students are provided with an overview of the essential elements for conducting business on an international scale. Students conduct a comprehensive assessment of international market entry options for the export of products or services, and recommend optimal market entry strategies.

GBMT 1005 – World Geographies and Cultures
Because of the variety of cultural contexts in which global business is conducted, an appreciation of and respect for the histories, customs, and cultures of other countries are essential elements of a global manager’s success. In this course, students examine the geographical and historical factors that combine to create a culture. Different regions of the world are studied in three parts: physical geography, cultural geography, and current events.

Semester 2

Semester 2
GBMT 1006 Operations Management
In this course, students are introduced to concepts underlying the effective operation and control of manufacturing and service businesses. Students study design of goods and services, capacity and location design, production planning and inventory control, quality, forecasting, and management of services operations.

GBMT 1007 Project Management
In this course, students focus on both the theory and practical application of project management skills and techniques. These skills are applicable to international and domestic businesses of any size, from small and medium sized enterprises to large multinationals, to not-for-profit organizations, and to personal undertakings that students may encounter in their careers. Students gain hands-on experience with Microsoft Project Management software.

GBMT 1008 – Global Human Resource Management
Students explore international human resource practices and gain an understanding of the differences between domestic and international human resource management. Specific emphasis is placed on on international recruitment and selection, performance management, training and development, compensation, the expatriation process, international labour relations, union concerns, current issues and trends.

GBMT 1009 – Geopolitics of Trade and Development
International trade plays an important role in raising living standards and boosting economic growth and security. Trade and growth can also contribute to easing geopolitical tensions. This course is designed to assist students aspiring to global business management positions to improve their understanding about the influence of geopolitical factors such as geography, economics, and demography on international politics.

GBMT 1010 International Financial Management
Currency rate fluctuations, political instability, and force de majeure events are integral considerations for international financial management. This course is designed to prepare students to manage and mitigate financial risk by selecting appropriate transaction methods and tools for international trade activities. Students gain knowledge in negotiation terms, non-payment dispute resolution, and cash flow management.

GBMT 1011Global Market Research
Successful marketing in international trade depends on developing an in-depth understanding of target markets. In this course, students use information systems and sources to determine the feasibility of introducing and marketing a real product or service in the global economy. Market research, analysis of organizational readiness, cost analysis, and risk mitigation strategies are integrated into a comprehensive International Trade Research project.

Semester 3

Semester 3
GBMT 2000Career Management for Global Leaders
This course is designed to equip students with advanced communication skills and networking strategies necessary to secure employment and/or take advantage of other opportunities in the global marketplace. Students explore various professional business designations that can advance global business careers and build professional credibility. By organizing and participating in networking events, students experience opportunities to improve their professional networks and initiate applied projects with partner organizations for the following semester.

GBMT 2001 – International Corporate Responsibility
Students examine diverse obligations that confront multinational enterprises, including national and international legal considerations. Students also evaluate moral and ethical problems that arise within a complex array of different economies, markets, cultures, social systems and regulatory regimes.

GBMT 2002 – Innovation in the Global Marketplace
Economic progress and long-term sustainability of local, regional, and global markets depend on the growth of small and medium-sized businesses. In this course, students practice the entrepreneurial skills necessary to create new processes and foster a culture of innovation in existing businesses. Students also conduct international market research in order to select and defend a scalable start-up opportunity.

GBMT 2003 – International Marketing Management and Sales
This course is an advanced study of the international marketing and sales functions. Students formulate an international marketing strategy and create an international marketing and sales plan. Students also examine the impact of globalization on e-commerce and assess the suitability of various electronic communication technologies to enable international business.

GBMT 2004 – Global Supply Chain Management
In this course, students focus on aspects of international operations management, including capacity planning, materials management, modes of transportation, Incoterms, global sourcing and manufacturing. Students prepare documentation for importing and exporting goods and services, and determine requirements for efficient and effective transportation of goods, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

GBMT 2005Global Business Strategy 1
In this course, students critically examine the generic and functional strategies open to multinational enterprises and test the applicability of these concepts using business simulation technology. Students gain knowledge and hands-on experience by analyzing case studies based on actual international business situations.

Semester 4

Semester 4
GBMT 2006 – Global Management and Leadership
Business managers encounter an array of challenges as they lead and manage organizations operating in the global economy. Successful leaders must be able to adapt their management and leadership styles to changing circumstances environments and cultural contexts. Students explore current trends and technologies preparing them to adopt innovative approaches to emerging management and leadership issues.

GBMT 2007 – Management Information Systems for Global Business Operations
Information systems are essential for managing global business operations. In this course, students acquire in-depth knowledge about the management information system tools available to managers in manufacturing and non-manufacturing organizations. Students evaluate different information systems used for decision making, problem solving, operations, and business process improvement. Information systems that can significantly enhance collaboration, team process, and communication within global organizations are utilized in group projects.

GBMT 2008 – Global Business Strategy 2
In this course, students focus on strategic implementation. Acting as global business managers with cross-functional responsibilities as well as national boundaries, students select the most advantageous market entry strategies for an international venture based on the results of feasibility research and risk analysis. Students prepare a comprehensive international business plan, including financial projections and metrics which an organization could use to monitor its global business success.

GBMT 2009 – Global Business Management
The capstone component of this program is an applied project occurring in the fourth semester. Under the supervision of mentors, students tackle actual international business projects that require real solutions. These projects provide opportunities for students to gain relevant global business experience.
